Trittico foto-Concettuale / Photo-Conceptual Triptych
Punto di rottura (1/3) > Divergenze (2/3) > Il perdente (3/3)
Breaking point (1/3) > Disagreement (2/3) > The loser (3/3)

Ducks in the water / Anatre nell'acqua

Abstract reflection on water surface
Dried bunch of flower in low light
Seascape and cloudy sky, rays of sunlight through clouds (landscape photography)
Two seagulls at rest. Minimal black and white picture.


Lamp and red apple on a bedside table in violet light (still life, interior photography)

A gaze to the future... / Uno sguardo al futuro...

Agapanthus praecox Giglio africano

Agapanthus praecox / Giglio africano

Window and shutter projecting a long shadow at night (night, monochrome photography)

Between Sea and Sky / Tra Cielo e Mare

The dark half / La metà oscura

In the meanwhile... / Nel frattempo...

In the direction of the light / In direzione della luce

Light trails / Scie di luce


Superstrings / Superstringhe
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